The Battle of Maldon - Interlineal Old English and Translated Texts
1 |
...brocen wurde.
...it was broken.
2 |
Het þa hyssa hwæne
hors forlætan,
He bade every warrior then
to leave his horse,
3 |
feor afysan,
and forð gangan,
drive them far away
and go forth,
4 |
hicgan to handum
and to hige godum.
trusting to his hand-strength
and to good courage.
5 |
Þa þæt Offan mæg
ærest onfunde,
The kinsman of Offa
could soon see
6 |
þæt se eorl nolde
yrhðo geþolian
that the earl did not wish
to endure cowardice,
7 |
he let him þa of handon
leofne fleogan
from his hand he let
fly his beloved
8 |
hafoc wið þæs holtes,
and to þære hilde stop;
hawk to the woods,
and strode to the battle;
9 |
be þam man mihte oncnawan
þæt se cniht nolde
because of this a man might say
that the youth would not
10 |
wacian æt þam wige,
þa he to wæpnum feng.
weaken in the fight,
that he would seize his weapon.
11 |
Eac him wold Eadric
his ealdre gelæstan,
Eadric would also
attend his chieftain,
12 |
frean to gefeohte,
ongan þa forð beran
follow his lord to the fight.
At once he went forth
13 |
gar to guþe.
He hæfde god geþanc
with his spear to battle.
He had a good heart
14 |
þa hwile þe he mid handum
healdan mihte
while he might hold
with his hands
15 |
bord and bradswurd;
beot he gelæste
shield and broadsword;
he made good his boast
16 |
þa he ætforan his frean
feohtan sceolde.
that he should fight
before his lord.
17 |
Ða þær Byrhtnoð ongan
beornas trymian,
There Byrhtnoth at once
exhorted his men,
18 |
rad and rædde,
rincum tæhte
rode among them and advised,
taught the warriors
19 |
hu hi sceoldon standan
and þone stede
how they should stand
and hold their station
20 |
and bæd þæt hyra
rihte heoldon
and bade that their round-shields
be held upright
21 |
fæste mid folman,
and ne forhtedon na.
firmly in their fists,
and to fear nothing.
22 |
Þa he hæfde þæt folc
fægere getrymmed,
When he had nobly encouraged
that folk,
23 |
he lihte þa mid leodon
þær him leofost wæs,
he alighted amid his people
where he was most loved;
24 |
þær he his heorðwerod
holdost wiste.
there were his hearth-retainers
who were most loyal.
25 |
Þa stod on stæðe,
stiðlice clypode
Then on the bank stood,
sternly called out
26 |
wicinga ar,
wordum mælde,
the Viking messenger,
spoke words,
27 |
se on beot abead
announced boastfully
the sea-farers'
28 |
ærænde to þam eorle,
þær he on ofre stod:
errand to the earl
where he stood on the other side:
29 |
"Me sendon to þe
sæmen snelle
I have been sent to you
by the swift sea-men,
30 |
heton ðe secgan
þæt þu most sendan raðe
they bid me to say
that you might soon send
31 |
beagas wið gebeorge;
and eow betere is
rings as your defense;
and it is better for you
32 |
þæt ge þisne garræs
mid gafole forgyldon,
that you avert this spear-rush
by paying tribute,
33 |
þon we swa hearde
hilde dælon.
than that we should deal out
hard battle.
34 |
Ne þurfe we us spillan,
gif ge speaþ to þam;
Nor need we destroy one another,
if you agree to this;
35 |
we willað wið þam golde
grið fæstnian.
with the gold we will
confirm a truce.
36 |
Gyf þu þat gerædest,
þe her ricost eart,
If you agree to that,
you who are most powerful,
37 |
þæt þu þine leoda
lysan wille,
that you will loose [call off]
your people,
38 |
syllan sæmannum
on hyra sylfra dom
give the sea-men
self-judgement [abide by their terms],
39 |
feoh wið freode,
and niman frið æt us,
buy peace with us for a fee
and make truce with us,
40 |
we willaþ mid þam sceattum
us to scype gangan,
we will go to the ship
and with that treasure,
41 |
on flot feran,
and eow friþes healdan."
fare over the sea,
and you shall have peace."
42 |
Byrhtnoð maþelode,
bord hafenode,
Byrhtnoth spoke,
grasped his shield,
43 |
wand wacne æsc,
wordum mælde,
waved his slender ash-spear,
spoke words
44 |
yrre and anræd
ageaf him andsware:
wrathful and resolute,
gave him answer:
45 |
"Gehyrst þu, saelida,
hwaet þis folc segeð?
"Do you hear, sea-farer,
what this folk says?
46 |
Hi willað eow to gafole
garas syllan
They will sell you spears
as tribute,
47 |
ættrynne ord
and ealde swurd,
poisoned points
and ancient swords,
48 |
þa heregeatu
þe eow æt hilde ne deah.
wargear with which
to slay you in battle.
49 |
Brimmanna boda,
abeod eft ongean,
Messenger of the sea-men,
announce once again,
50 |
sege þinum leodum
miccle laþre spell,
tell your people
these very hateful tidings,
51 |
þæt her stynt unforcuð
eorl mid his werode,
that here stands an honorable
earl with his army,
52 |
þe wile gealgean
eþel þysne,
who will defend
this country,
53 |
Æþelredes eard,
ealdres mines,
Aethelred's land,
[the land of] my lord,
54 |
folc and foldan.
Feallan sceolon
people and lands.
They shall fall,
55 |
hæþene æt hilde.
To heanlic me þinceð
the heathens, in battle.
I think it too disgraceful
56 |
þæt ge mid urum sceattum
to scype gangon
that you should go to your ship
with our treasure
57 |
nu ge þus feor hider
now that you have come here,
58 |
on urne eard
in becommon.
on our land
have come [trespassed].
59 |
Ne sceole ge swa softe
sinc gegangan;
Nor shall you easily
capture our treasure;
60 |
us sceal ord and ecg
ær geseman,
point and edge
must first convince us,
61 |
grim guðplega,
ær we gofol syllon."
grim war-play,
before we grant you tribute."
62 |
Het þa bord beran,
beornas gangan,
Then he ordered that shields
be lifted,
the men advance,
63 |
þæt hi on þam easteðe
ealle stodon.
that they all stand
on the riverbank.
64 |
Ne mihte þær for wætere
werod to þam oðrum;
Nor might one army get at the other
for the water there;
65 |
þær com flowende
flod æfter ebban
there came flowing
the flood after the ebb [the tide turned]
66 |
lucon lagustremas.
To lang hit him þuhte,
the sea-streams together.
They thought it too long
67 |
hwænne hi togædere
garas beron.
before they brought
their spears together.
68 |
Hi þær Pantan stream
mid prasse bestodon,
There by the river Panta
they stood amid the tumult,
69 |
Eastseaxena ord
and se æschere.
the van of the East Saxons
and the [Danes'] spear-army.
70 |
Ne mihte hyra ænig
oþrum derian,
Nor might either
harm the other
71 |
buton hwa þurh flanes flyht
fyl gename.
but by the arrow's flight
deal death.
72 |
Se flod ut gewat;
þa flotan stodon gearowe,
The flood subsided;
the sailors stood ready,
73 |
wicinga fela,
wiges georne.
many Vikings,
eager warriors.
74 |
Het þa hæleða hleo
healdan þa bricge
Then the protector of warriors asked
to hold the the ford
75 |
wigan wigheardne,
se wæs haten Wulfstan,
a warrior stern in battle;
he was named Wulfstan,
76 |
cafne mid his cynne,
þæt wæs Ceolan sunu,
a bold man of his kin,
who was Ceola's son.
77 |
Þe ðone forman man
mid his francan ofsceat
The first man
he wounded with his spear
78 |
þe þær baldlicost
on þa bricge stop.
who boldly stepped
there into the ford.
79 |
Þær stodon mid Wulfstane
wigan unforhte,
There stood with Wulfstan
warriors unafraid,
80 |
Ælfere and Maccus,
modige twegen,
Aelfere and Maccus,
both brave-spirited.
81 |
þa noldon æt þam forda
fleam gewyrcan,
There was nothing that could cause them to flee
from the ford,
82 |
ac hi fæstlice
wið ða fynd weredon,
but they firmly
warded against the foe,
83 |
þa hwile þe hi wæpna
wealdan moston.
so long as they might wield
their weapons.
84 |
Þa hi þæt ongeaton
and georne gesawon
When they [the Vikings] perceived that,
and clearly saw
85 |
þæt hi þær bricgweardas
bitere fundon,
that these bridge-wardens
were found to be fierce,
86 |
ongunnor lytegian þa
laðe gystas
they began to practice deceit.
Those hateful guests
87 |
bædon þæt hi upgang
agan moston,
asked that they might
be allowed to approach,
88 |
ofer þone ford faran,
feþan lædan.
to fare over the ford
leading their troop.
89 |
Ða se eorl ongan
for his ofermode
Then soon the earl,
because of his pride,
90 |
alyfan landes to fela
laþere ðeode
gave ground to the many
hateful people.
91 |
Ongan ceallian þa
ofer cald wæter
He soon called
over the cold water,
92 |
Byrthelmes bearn
(beornas gehlyston):
Byrthelm's son
(the warriors listened):
93 |
"Nu eow is gerymed,
gað ricene to us,
"Now room is made for you,
come quickly to us,
94 |
guman to guþe;
god ana wat
warriors to the battle;
God alone knows
95 |
hwa þære wælstowe
wealdan mote."
who will control
this field of slaughter."
96 |
Wodon þa wælwulfas
(for wætere ne murnon),
The slaughter-wolves advanced
(for the waters no longer troubled them),
97 |
wicinga werod,
west ofer Pantan,
the Viking horde,
west over the Panta.
98 |
ofer scir wæter
scyldas wegon,
Over the clear water
they carried their shields,
99 |
lidmen to lande
linde bæron.
the ship-men bore the linden-wood [shields]
to land.
100 |
Þær ongean gramum
gearowe stodon
There soon the fierce ones
stood ready
101 |
Byrhtnoð mid beornum;
he mid bordum het
Byrhtnoth with his men;
he ordered those with shields
102 |
wyrcan þone wihagen,
and þæt werod healdan
to form the war-hedge [shieldwall]
and that host to hold
103 |
fæste wið feondum.
Þa wæs feohte neh
fast against the foe.
Then the fight was near,
104 |
tir æt getohte.
Wæs seo tid cumen
glory in battle.
The time was come
105 |
þæt þær fæge men
feallan sceoldon.
when those men who were fated
should fall.
106 |
Þær wearð hream ahafen,
hremmas wundon,
There was raised a great noise,
the ravens wheeled,
107 |
earn æses georn;
wæs on eorþan cyrm.
the eagle was eager for corpses;
there was clamor on earth.
108 |
Hi leton þa of folman
feolhearde speru,
They threw from their fists
the file-hard spears,
109 |
garas fleogan;
the sharp-ground
spears flew;
110 |
bogan wæron bysige,
bord ord onfeng.
bows were busy,
shields stopped points.
111 |
Biter wæs se beaduræs,
beornas feollon
Bitter was the battle-rush,
men fell
112 |
on gehwæðere hand,
hyssas lagon.
on either hand,
young warriors lay [still].
113 |
Wund wearð Wulfmær,
wælræste geceas,
Wulfmaer lay wounded,
chose the bed of slaughter,
114 |
Byrhtnoðes mæg;
he mid billum wearð,
Byrhtnoth's kinsman;
he was [wounded] with a sword,
115 |
his swuster sunu,
swiðe forheawen.
his sister's son,
strongly hewn down.
116 |
Þær wearð wicingum
wiþerlean agyfen.
There were the Vikings
given compensation [for that slaying].
117 |
Gehyrde ic þæt Eadweard
anne sloge
I heard that Eadweard
slew one
118 |
Swiðe mid his swurde,
swenges ne wyrnde,
stoutly with his sword,
he did not withhold his slashes,
119 |
þæt him æt fotum feoll
fæge cempa;
so that at his feet fell
the fated warrior;
120 |
þæs him his ðeoden
þanc gesæde,
then his prince
gave him thanks,
121 |
þam burþene,
þa he byrde hæfde.
[thanked] his chamberlain
when he had the chance.
122 |
Swa stemnetton
Thus they took their turn at battle
stern of purpose,
123 |
hysas æt hilde,
hogodon georne
in battle the warriors
eagerly intended
124 |
hwa þær mid orde
ærost mihte
that they might be the first
in the midst with their weapons
125 |
on fægean men
feorh gewinnan,
to take the lives
of fated men,
126 |
wigan mid wæpnum;
wæl feol on eorðan.
the warriors with weapons;
the slain fell to the soil.
127 |
Stodon stædfæste;
stihte hi Byrhtnoð,
They stood steadfast;
Byrhtnoth incited them,
128 |
bæd þæt hyssa gehwylc
hogode to wige
bade that each warrior
intend to wage war,
129 |
þe on Denon wolde
dom gefeohtan.
that from the Danes they would
wrest glory.
130 |
Wod þa wiges heard,
wæpen up ahof,
He went forward in the hard fight,
raised up his weapon,
131 |
bord to gebeorge,
and wið þæs beornes stop.
warded with his war-shield,
and went towards those men.
132 |
Eode swa anræd
eorl to þam ceorle,
He went resolutely,
the earl to the carl,
133 |
ægþer hyra oðrum
yfeles hogode.
each to the other
intended evil.
134 |
Sende ða se særinc
suþerne gar,
Then sent the sea-man
a southern spear,
135 |
þæt gewundod wearð
wigena hlaford;
that wounded
the warriors' lord;
136 |
he sceaf þa mid ðam scylde,
þæt se sceaft tobærst,
he shoved his shield against it,
so that the shaft burst asunder,
137 |
and þat spere sprengde,
þæt hit sprang ongean.
and the spear broke,
and sprang out again.
138 |
Gegremod wearð se guðrinc;
he mid gare stang
Grim-minded was the warrior;
he stabbed with his spear
139 |
wlancne wicing,
þe him þa wunde forgeaf.
the proud Viking
and gave him a wound.
140 |
Frod wæs se fyrdrinc;
he let his francan wadan
Wise was the fyrd-warrior
he let his spear thrust
141 |
þurh ðæs hysses hals,
hand wisode
through the warrior's neck,
guided by his hand
142 |
þæt he on þam færsceaðan
feorh geræhte.
so that he struck the life
from the sudden foe.
143 |
Ða he oþerne
ofstlice sceat,
Then another he
speedily shot,
144 |
þæt seo byrne tobærst;
he wæs on breostum wund
so that [the Viking's] byrnie was burst,
and wounded him on the breast,
145 |
þurh ða hriglocan,
him æt heortan stod
through the locked rings;
into his heart stood
146 |
ætterne ord.
Se eorl wæs þe bliþra,
the poisoned point.
The earl was blithe,
147 |
hloh þa, modi man,
sæde metode þanc
he laughed, the mighty-spirited man,
and thanked the Measurer:
148 |
ðæs dægweorces
þe him drihten forgeaf.
for the day's work
he gave thanks to the Lord.
149 |
Forlet þa drega sum
daroð of handa,
Some warrior threw
a spear from his hand,
150 |
fleogan of folman,
þæt se to forð gewat
it flew from his fist
so that it went forth
151 |
þurh ðone æþelan
Æþelredes þegen.
through the noble,
Aethelred's thane.
152 |
Him be healfe stod
hyse unweaxen,
Beside him stood
one not full-grown,
153 |
cniht on gecampe,
se full caflice
a youth in the fight
who full boldly
154 |
bræd of þam beorne
blodigne gar,
drew from that man
the bloody spear --
155 |
Wulfstanes bearn,
Wulfmær se geonga
Wulfstan's son,
Wulfmaer the Young --
156 |
forlet forheardne,
faran eft ongean;
he threw it with great force
going back again;
157 |
ord in gewod,
þæt se on eorþan læg
the point went in,
so that he laid on the earth
158 |
þe hie þeoden ær
þearle geræhte.
the one who had vigorously struck
his prince before.
159 |
Eode þa gesyrwed
secg to þam eorle;
An armed man came
to the earl
160 |
he wolde þæs beornes
beagas gefecgan
he would seize
this man's bracelets,
161 |
reaf and hringas
and gerenod swurd.
[take] spoils and rings
and ornamented sword.
162 |
Þa Byrhtnoð bræd
bill of sceðe,
Then Byrhtnoth slid
his sword from its sheath,
163 |
brad and bruneccg,
and on þa byrnan sloh.
broad and brown-edged,
and slashed at his byrnie.
164 |
To raþe hine gelette
lidmanna sum,
Too soon he was slowed
by some ship-man,
165 |
þa he þæs eorles
earm amyrde.
who restrained
the earl's arm.
166 |
Feoll þa to foldan
fealohilte swurd;
To the ground fell
the golden-hilted sword;
167 |
ne mihte he gehealdan
heardne mece,
nor might he hold
the hard blade,
168 |
wæpnes wealdan.
Þa gyt þæt word gecwæð
wield his weapon.
Yet he could utter words.
169 |
har hilderinc,
hyssas bylde
that hoary man of battle,
and encouraged the warriors,
170 |
bæd gangan forð
gode geferan;
bade them go forward,
his good companions;
171 |
ne miht þa on fotum leng
fæste gestandan.
nor might he for long on foot
stand fast.
172 |
He to heofenum wlat:
He looked to Heaven:
173 |
"Geþancie, þe,
ðeoda waldend,
"Let me thank You,
Ruler of People,
174 |
ealra þæra wynna
þe ic on worulde gebad.
for all the joy
that I have met with in this world.
175 |
Nu ic ah, milde metod
mæste þearfe
Now, most gentle Measurer,
I have the mightiest need
176 |
þæt þu minum gaste
godes geunne,
that to my ghost [spirit]
you grant bliss,
177 |
þæt min sawul to ðe
siðian mote
that my soul to You
might journey
178 |
on þin geweald,
þeoden engla,
in Your power,
Prince of Angels,
179 |
mid friþe ferian.
Ic eom frymdi to þe
fare with peace.
I am desirous of You
180 |
þæt hi helsceaðan
hynan ne mohton."
that these hell-scathers
might not defeat us."
181 |
Ða hine heowon
hæðene scealcas
Then they hewed him,
the heathen servants,
182 |
and begen þa beornas
þe him big stodon,
and the two men
who stood near him,
183 |
Ælfnoð and Wulfmær
begen lagon.
Aelfnoth and Wulfmaer
both fell.
184 |
ða onemn hyra frean
feorh gesealdon.
close by their lord
they gave up their lives.
185 |
Hi bugon þa fram beaduwe
þe þær beon noldon.
Then from the battle turned
those who were unwilling [to fight].
186 |
Þær wearð Oddan bearn
ærest on fleame.
Then were the sons of Odda
the first to flee.
187 |
Godric fram guþe,
and þone godan forlet
Godric [fled] from battle,
and forgot the goods [he had received],
188 |
þe him mænigne oft
mear gesealde;
and the many times
a mare was given to him;
189 |
he gehleop þone eoh
þe ahte his hlaford,
he leapt upon the horse
that was his lord's.
190 |
on þam gerædum
þe hit riht ne wæs,
This course of action
was not fitting.
191 |
and his broðru mid him
begen ærndon,
With him his brothers
both ran --
192 |
Godrine and Godwig,
guþe ne gymdon,
Godrine and Godwig --
they did not give heed to the battle
193 |
ac wendon fram þam wige
and þone wudu sohton,
but fled from the fight
and sought the forest,
194 |
flugon on þæt fæsten
and hyra feore burgon,
fled to that fastness
and saved their lives,
195 |
and manna ma
þonne hit ænig mæð wære,
and more men
than was at all correct
196 |
gyf hi þa geearnunga
ealle gemundon
if they all remembered
the rewards
197 |
þe he him to duguþe
gedon hæfde.
that [Byrhtnoth] had given them
to their benefit.
198 |
Swa him Offa on dæg
aer asæde
So Offa once before
said to [Byrhtnoth]
199 |
on þam meþelstede,
þa he gemot hæfde,
at the meeting-stead [place of assembly]
where he held moot [meeting or council],
200 |
þæt þær modiglice
manega spræcon
that there many
might speak bravely
201 |
þe eft æt þearfe
þolian noldon.
that later [in times of] need
would not endure.
202 |
Þa wearð afeallen
þæs folces ealdor,
Thus was fallen
the lord of that folk,
203 |
Æþelredes eorl;
ealle gesawan
Aethelred's earl;
all saw,
204 |
þæt hyra heorra læg.
the hearth-companions,
that their lord lay [dead].
205 |
Þa ðær wendon forð
wlance þegenas,
Then there went forth
the proud thanes,
206 |
unearge men
efston georne;
brave men
hastened eagerly;
207 |
hi woldon þa ealle
oðer twega,
they all wished then
for one of two things,
208 |
lif forlætan
oððe leofne gewrecan.
to leave life
or to avenge their dear [lord].
209 |
Swa hi bylde forð
bearn Ælfrices,
Then they were encouraged onward
by the son of Aelfric,
210 |
wiga wintrum geong,
wordum mælde,
a warrior young in winters
spoke those words.
211 |
Ælfwine þa cwæð,
he on ellen spræc:
Aelfwine then said,
he bravely spoke:
212 |
"Gemunan þa mæla
þe we oft æt meado spræcon,
"Remember the words
that we often spoke [while drinking] mead,
213 |
þonne we on bence
beot ahofon,
when from the benches
we raised up boasts,
214 |
hæleð on healle,
ymbe heard gewinn;
heroes in the hall,
concerning hard battle;
215 |
nu mæg cunnian
hwa cene sy.
now we may test
who is bold.
216 |
Ic wylle mine æþelo
eallum gecyþan,
I will make known to all
my noble lineage,
217 |
þæt ic wæs on Myrcon
miccles cynnes;
that I am from Mercia
of a mighty kin;
218 |
wæs min ealda fæder
Ealhelm haten,
my forefather was
named Ealhelm,
219 |
wis ealdorman,
a wise alderman,
rich with worldly goods.
220 |
Ne scealon me on þære þeode
þegenas ætwitan
Nor should the thanes reproach me
among the people
221 |
þæt ic of ðisse fyrde
feran wille
[saying] that I would flee
from this force,
222 |
eard gesecon,
nu min ealdor ligeð
seek my homeland,
now that my lord lies
223 |
forheawen æt hilde.
Me is þæt hearma mæst;
hewn down in battle.
Mine is that greatest of griefs;
224 |
he wæs ægðer min mæg
and min hlaford."
he was both my kinsman
and my lord."
225 |
Þa he forð eode,
fæðe gemunde,
Then he went forth,
remembered the fight,
226 |
þæt he mid orde
anne geræhte
so that with his sword
he struck down one
227 |
flotan on þam folce,
þæt se on foldan læg
a pirate of that people,
so that he lay on the ground;
228 |
forwegan mid his wæpne.
Ongan þa winas manian,
he slew him with his weapon.
Again he urged his friends,
229 |
frynd and geferan,
þæt hi forð eodon.
friends and comrades,
that they go forth.
230 |
Offa gemælde,
æscholt asceoc:
Offa spoke,
shook his ash-shaft:
231 |
"Hwæt þu, Ælfwine, hafast
ealle gemanode
"Lo, Aelfwine, you have
exhorted all
232 |
þegenas to þearfe,
nu ure þeoden lið
the thanes as needed,
now our prince is laid low,
233 |
eorl on eorðan.
Us is eallum þearf
the earl on the earth.
It is all our need
234 |
þæt ure æghwylc
oþerne bylde
that we each one
encourage the other
235 |
wigan to wige,
þa hwile þe he wæpen mæge
warriors to fight,
so long as our weapons we may
236 |
habban and healdan,
heardne mece,
have and hold,
the hard blade,
237 |
gar and godswurd.
Us Godric hæfð,
spear and good sword.
238 |
earh Oddan bearn,
ealle beswicene.
the cowardly son of Offa,
has deceived us all.
239 |
Wende þæs formoni man,
þa he on meare rad,
Many men believed this,
When he rode [away] on the mare,
240 |
on wlancan þam wicge,
þæt wære hit ure hlaford;
on that proud mount,
that it was our lord;
241 |
forþan wearð her on felda
folc totwæmed,
thus it fared here on the field
that the folk were divided
242 |
scyldburh tobrocen.
Abreoðe his angin,
the shield-bastion broken.
May all his beginnings fail,
243 |
þæt he her swa manigne
man aflymde!"
he who made to flee
so many men!"
244 |
Leofsunnu gemælde
and his linde ahof,
Leofsunu spoke,
shoved up his linden-shield,
245 |
bord to gebeorge;
he þam beorne oncwæð:
defending with the shield;
he then said to the men:
246 |
"Ic þæt gehate,
þæt ic heonon nelle
I make this vow,
that I will not from here
247 |
fleon fotes trym,
ac wille furðor gan,
flee one foot-step,
but will advance further,
248 |
wrecan on gewinne
minne winedrihten.
avenge in battle
my lord and friend.
249 |
Ne þurfon me embe Sturmere
stedefæste hælæð
Nor need those near Sturmere,
steadfast heroes,
250 |
wordum ætwitan,
nu min wine gecranc,
reproach me with words,
now that my friend has perished,
251 |
þæt ic hlafordleas
ham siðie,
[saying] that I, lordless,
journeyed homeward,
252 |
wende fram wige,
ac me sceal wæpen niman,
went from war,
for the weapon shall take me,
253 |
ord and iren."
He ful yrre wod,
[spear-]point and iron [sword]."
He full wrathfully went,
254 |
feaht fæstlice,
fleam he forhogode.
firmly to the fight,
he despised flight.
255 |
Dunnere þa cwæð,
daroð acwehte,
Dunnere then spoke,
displayed his spear,
256 |
unorne ceorl,
ofer eall clypode,
the old carl,
called out over all,
257 |
bæd þæt beorna gehwylc
Byrhtnoð wræce:
bade that each man
avenge Byrhtnoth:
258 |
"Ne mæg na wandian
se þe wrecan þenceð
"He may not hesitate
who thinks to avenge
259 |
frean on folce,
ne for feore murnan."
the lord of our people,
nor care for his life."
260 |
Þa hi forð eodon,
feores hi ne rohton;
Then they went forth,
without care for their lives;
261 |
ongunnon þa hiredmen
heardlice feohtan,
the retainers began,
fiercely fought
262 |
grame garberend,
and god bædon
the hostile spear-bearers
and asked God
263 |
þæt hi moston gewrecan
hyra windedrihten
that they might avenge
their friend and lord,
264 |
and on hyra feondum
fyl gewyrcan.
and on their foes
wreak destruction.
265 |
Him se gysel ongan
geornlice fylstan;
The hostage soon
eagerly helped them;
266 |
he wæs on Norðhymbron
heardes cynnes,
he was from Northumbria,
of a fierce kin,
267 |
Ecglafes bearn,
him wæs Æscferð nama.
Ecglaf's son,
his name was Aescferth.
268 |
He ne wandode na
æt þam wigplegan,
He did not waver
at the war-play
269 |
ac he fysde forð
flan genehe;
but fast forth
the arrows flew;
270 |
hwilon he on bord sceat,
hwilon beorn tæsde,
at times he struck shields,
sometimes he wounded men,
271 |
æfre embe stunde
he sealde sume wunde,
almost every instance
he scored some wound
272 |
þa hwile ðe he wæpna
wealdan moste.
so long as he might
wield his weapon.
273 |
Þa gyt on orde stod
Eadweard se langa,
There yet in the forefront
Eadweard the Tall,
274 |
gearo and geornful,
gylpwordum spræc
ready and eager,
spoke boastful words
275 |
þæt he nolde fleogan
fotmæl landes,
that he would not flee
[even] a foot's length of land,
276 |
ofer bæc bugan,
þa his betera leg.
or turn back
when his lord lay [dead].
277 |
He bræc þone bordweall
and wið þa beornes feaht,
He broke the board-wall,
and with the bold men fought,
278 |
oðþæt he his sincgyfan
on þam sæmannum
until, for his sharer-of-silver,
on the sea-men
279 |
wurðlice wrec
ær he on wæle læge.
worthily wrought revenge
ere he was laid low in the slaughter.
280 |
Swa dyde Æþeric,
æþele gefera,
So did Aetheric,
a noble comrade,
281 |
fus and forðgeorn,
feaht eornoste.
striving forward, eager to advance,
fought desperately.
282 |
Sibyrhtes broðor
and swiðe mænig oþer
Sibyrht's brother
and many other stout men
283 |
clufon cellod bord,
cene hi weredon;
cleft shield-bosses,
they defended boldly;
284 |
bærst bordes lærig,
and seo byrne sang
shield rims shattered,
and their byrnies sang
285 |
gyrreleoða sum.
Þa æt guðe sloh
a terrible tune.
There in the battle
286 |
Offa þone sælidan,
þæt he on eorðan feoll,
Offa slew a sea-farer,
then to earth he fell,
287 |
and ðær Gaddes mæg
grund gesohte
and there Gadd's kinsman
sought the ground.
288 |
Raðe wearð æt hilde
Offa forheawen;
Soon in the battle
Offa was hewn down;
289 |
he hæfde ðeah geforþod
þæt he his frean gehet,
yet he had accomplished
what to his lord he'd vowed,
290 |
swa he beotode ær
wið his beahgifan
as he boasted once
to his bracelet-giver,
291 |
þæt hi sceoldon begen
on burh ridan,
that the twain should both
ride to the town,
292 |
hale to hame,
oððe on here crincgan;
whole to home,
or in hard battle perish;
293 |
on wælstowe
wundum sweltan;
on the field of slaughter
of their wounds expire;
294 |
he læg ðegenlice
ðeodne gehende.
He lay as befits a thane,
near his prince.
295 |
Ða wearð borda gebræc.
Brimmen wodon,
Then were the shield-boards
The sea-men burst forward,
296 |
guðe gegremode;
gar oft þurhwod
inflamed by the fighting;
A spear full often pierced
297 |
fæges feorhhus.
Forð þa eode Wistan,
a fated man's form.
Forward then went Wistan
298 |
Þurstanes sunu,
wið þas secgas feaht;
Thurstan's son,
with the [sea-]men he fought;
299 |
he wæs on geþrange
hyra þreora bana,
within the throng
he was three men's bane,
300 |
ær him Wigelines bearn
on þam wæle læge.
ere he, Wighelm's son,
lay among the slaughtered.
301 |
Þær wæs stið gemot;
stodon fæste
That was a stern meeting;
they stood fast,
302 |
wigan on gewinne,
wigend cruncon,
the warriors in the wild fight.
Warriors perished,
303 |
wundum werige.
Wæl feol on eorþan.
wearied by wounds.
Warriors, slaughtered, fell to earth.
304 |
Oswold and Eadwold
ealle hwile,
Oswold and Eadwold
all the while --
305 |
begen þa gebroþru,
beornas trymedon,
both of them brothers --
emboldened the warriors,
306 |
hyra winemagas
wordon bædon
their friends and kinsmen;
with words bade
307 |
þæt hi þær æt ðearfe
þolian sceoldon,
that in their need
they should endure,
308 |
wæpna neotan.
wield their weapons.
309 |
Byrhtwold maþelode,
bord hafenode
Byrhtwold spoke,
bore his shield,
310 |
(se wæs eald geneat),
æsc acwehte;
(he was an old retainer),
shook the ash-spear;
311 |
he ful baldlice
beornas lærde:
he full boldly
exhorted the brave men:
312 |
"Hige sceal þe heardra,
heorte þe cenre,
"We shall hold our thoughts firmer,
our hearts more fierce,
313 |
mod sceal þe mare,
þe ure mægen lytlað.
our courage shall be keener
as our strength dwindles.
314 |
Her lið ure ealdor
eall forheawen,
Here lies our lord,
all hewn low,
315 |
god on greote.
A mæg gnornian
a good man in the dust of the ground.
That kinsman will grieve
316 |
se ðe nu fram þis wigplegan
wendan þenceð.
who now from this war-play
thinks to wander.
317 |
Ic eom frod feores;
fram ic ne wille,
I am old in years;
I will not go from here,
318 |
ac ic me be healfe
minum hlaforde,
but I will lay me
beside my lord,
319 |
be swa leofan men,
licgan þence."
by these beloved men
I intend to lay me."
320 |
Swa hi Æþelgares bearn
ealle bylde
Then Aethelgar's son
encouraged them all;
321 |
Godric to guþe.
Of the gar forlet,
Godric called them to war.
Often he cast a spear,
322 |
wælspere windon
on þa wicingas,
the slaughter-spear flew
straight at the Vikings.
323 |
swa he on þam folce
fyrmest eode,
he was among that folk
accounted the foremost,
324 |
heow and hynde,
oðþæt he on hilde gecranc.
hewing and defeating [enemies],
until he died in battle.
325 |
Næs þæt na se Godric
þe ða guðe forbeah...
That was not the Godric
that fled from the fight...
Old English Texts
- Dobbie, Elliott Van Kirk. "The Battle of Maldon". The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems.
Anglo-Saxon Poetic Records VI. New York. 1942.
- Mitchell, Bruce and Fred C. Robinson. A Guide to Old English. 4th ed.
Oxford, 1986.
English Translations of The Battle of Maldon
- Crossley-Holland, Kevin. The Anglo-Saxon World. Woodbridge.
- Kennedy, Charles W. An Anthology of Old English Poetry. New York.
Other Sources
- Ball, C. "Byrhtnoth's Weapons." Notes and Queries 36 (1989),
pp. 8-9.
- Battaglia, Francis J. "Notes on Maldon: Toward a Definitive Ofermod."
English Language Notes 2 (1964-65), pp. 247-49.
- Breeze, Andrew. "Finnsburh and Maldon: celæs bord, cellod bord."
Notes and Queries 39 (1992), pp. 267-69.
- Britton, Geoffrey C. "The Characterization of the Vikings in The Battle of Maldon."
Notes and Queries 210 (1965), pp. 85-87.
- Cooper, Janet, ed. The Battle of Maldon: Fiction and Fact.
London and Rio Grande, 1993.
- Dickins, Bruce. "The Day of Byrhtnoth's Death and Other Obits from a
Twelfth-Century Ely Calendar." Leeds Studies in English 6 (1937),
pp. 14-24.
- Frank, Roberta. "The Ideal of Men Dying with Their Lord in The Battle of
Maldon: Anachronism or Nouvelle Vague." Festschrift for Peter
Sawyer. Ed. N. Lund and I. Wood. Cambridge. 1991. pp. 95-106.
- Gatch, Milton McCormick. Loyalties and Traditions: Man and His World in
Old English Literature. New York. 1971.
- Griffith, M. S. "Convention and Originality in the Old English 'Beasts of
Battle' Typescene." Anglo-Saxon England 22 (1993).
pp. 179-99.
- Hooper, N. "The Housecarls in England in the Eleventh Century."
Anglo-Norman Studies 7. Ed. R. Allen Brown. Woodbridge. 1985.
pp. 161-76.
- Scragg, Donald G., ed. The Battle of Maldon, AD 991. Oxford.
- Woolf, Rosemary. "The Ideal of Men Dying with their Lord in the
Germania and in The Battle of Maldon."
Anglo-Saxon England 5 (1976), pp. 63-81.
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