Daily Life In Viking Age Scandinavia
- How tall were the Vikings? A look at the height of the Viking Age Scandinavians, including literary evidence and skeletal studies.
- What attitudes did the Vikings have about left-handedness? A look at Old Norse words used to describe left- and right-handedness.
- Viking foods and cooking. What did the Vikings eat?
- Old Norse Alcoholic Beverages and Drinking Customs Mead, beer, wine, toasts to the gods and more.
- Viking Clothing. What clothing did Viking Age people wear?
- The Scandinavian String Skirt. Dispells the a popular misconception that the Bronze Age Scandinavian string skirt was worn by women in the Viking Age.
- Viking grooming and hairstyles. Did the Vikings bathe? How did they wear their hair?
- Viking games, pasttimes and recreation. What kind of games did the Vikings play?
- What kind of medical care did the Vikings have? A look at medical treatment, physicians, magical healing and more.
- Viking weddings and divorces. What kind of wedding ceremonies did the Vikings use?
- Old Norse Names A brief look at how the Vikings named their children, with lists of names from the Viking Age with meanings.
- Slavery and Thralldom: The Unfree in Viking Scandinavia Like most medieval peoples, the Vikings had a rigidly stratified caste system. At the bottom of the social order existed those who were unfree: these were termed thralls. This article takes a brief look at the Viking practices surrounding slaveowning and the unfree.
- Homosexuality in the Viking Age. How did the Vikings regard homosexuality?